Protecting Our Bluff

Save Our Bluffs is in complete opposition to any potential development and destruction of the bluff and its magnificent sensitive coastal habitat and protected archaeological artifacts on contiguous property. This property maintains wildlife connectivity with Batiquitos Lagoon and surrounding open and native space which connects to Encinitas Creek, into the lagoon, and out to the Pacific Coastline. The bluff's natural topography and prominent landscape character is highly visible from the I-5 Corridor and the Batiquitos Lagoon, which significantly contributes to scenic quality and provides tremendous aesthetic value to our community.


The information below is what we believe to be a legitimate understanding of the current circumstances surrounding the proposed development as we know them. We will do our best to maintain the integrity of information contained on our site - we encourage the developer group and any other interested party to come forward and report any information believed to be factually incorrect.

The bluff property was sold January 2018; the buyer & developers have produced proposals to potentially raise significant funds for a 5 year project to build a 108 bed senior care facility apparently comprised of 18 attached or detached structures or units with 6 beds per unit.

On June 19, 2018 an application was filed with the City of Encinitas representing the project as multi-family residential that would be "similar with the surrounding areas" with the only access being Skyloft Road. 17 residential lots and 2 common area lots are proposed, along with an additional 15 "pads" that have no description. 6 duplex and 5 single family buildings are noted, along with plans for a private easement road, a community center, and a pool (not identified elsewhere in the application). Building sizes will be single and two story, with lot sizes ranging from 4,327 to 6,779. The supplement notes "0" setbacks, with reduced lot width and depth sizes that are approximately 49% and 54% of Code Requirements as stated. Net acreage and density calculations indicate only about 56% of the 21 acres, or less than 12, can be identified as having a slope of 25% or less. Added developor information notes that La Costa Living Partners, LLC and Pedram Abraham Mehrian have additional ownership interest. It is presumed the developer wishes to utilize bonus density, "low income" housing and other tools to apply for density that exceeds permitted use.

The property has always been zoned rural residential RR-1 with a maximum density of 1 unit per acre. Prior to the property purchase, individuals representing themselves as the "new owner" had a brief meeting with nearby residents, stated concerns were not addressed, and questions were left unanswered. At this stage little information is available about the project as to community concerns, the burden of operating such a facility on nearby streets and use of city resources, and there is no discussion of the overwhelming multitude of environmental issues that impact development and operation of what appears to be a commercial purpose project on the bluff.

Your help is needed now more than ever! Together we can save this invaluable bluff property bordering the Batiquitos Lagoon!